(( 洛圣都警察局 2023 ))


版主: LSPD 监督组LSPD 行政管理组LSPD 指挥组OOTC: 媒体与公共关系分局指挥组OOTC: 媒体与公共关系分局LSPD 文职雇员监督组

Michael Oreb
帖子: 1200
注册时间: 2017年7月21日 21:25

(( 洛圣都警察局 2023 ))

帖子 Michael Oreb »


(( 洛圣都警察局 2023 ))


*** The English version follows ***
  • 警员们,

    感谢你们过去一年来的付出,我希望你们每一个人在洛圣都警察局都玩的开心、交到了朋友、学到了新的东西。我希望在这里花一些时间和精力,与大家分享我接下来一年对于洛圣都警察局的期望以及我们的目标,不但作为服务器的最高级管理员,更是作为警察局长。这对我来说不是一份容易的工作,因为我既要确保洛圣都警察局的利益得到最大化的满足,因为我是警察局长;更要确保服务器的总体利益得到满足,因为我是服务器的运营负责人。有些时候这两者会互相冲突,尤其是当我们面对一个非常极难的问题,叫做 “LSPD的玩家是不是玩家” 的时候。



    警察学院的培训将会被完全修改,至少从大方向上是完全整改的。绝大部分的警员是通过警察学院学习到了10%的警察扮演,从学院前考试的题目中学到另外10%,而剩下的80%来自于实地训练。如果警察学院根本不能战胜实地训练,那么我们应该着重加强实地训练。在接下来的警察学院中,我会命令现任训练局指挥官 Sprice 整改整个训练模式。以培养角色扮演环境、水平以及适应PD扮演为主,变成三天左右的加强型的代入感强的扮演体验。培训将会覆盖一部分需要上手操作的内容,但是更多的将会是注重扮演体验。在接下来的时间里,我还会要求所有指挥官加强办公室扮演。我们之前甚至听说过一个“明升暗降”的暗箱操作 — 通过把一个二级警督晋升至一级警监,让他没有办法巡逻,从而达到降低其地位的目的。这将不会再次发生了。我会要求所有的高级指挥官至少每周上线一到两次去和警员进行谈话,沟通或者在办公室内创建办公环境扮演。洛圣都警察局是一个巨大的部门,我们应该着重提升角色扮演。

    我们将会给于更多警员更多的机会。我之前听说过一个东西叫做“朋党”。每个人有自己的小圈子、开黑啦服务器,甚至衍生出了“土豆党”这一说法。我们将会在接下来确保每一个警员都有足够的机会担任不同的职位,有足够的和平等的机会,去发展和体验更多不一样的玩法。这些机会不一定等同于晋升机会,我们可以让不同的警员以自己的方式开展不同的扮演。 Roxanne Miller 一手创办的社区安全合作项目 (CSPP)就是一个最好的例子。我希望给于每一个警员在这里发光发热的机会,确保自己的能力有用武之地,确保每个人拥有足够的资源做任何自己想尝试的事情。我们不怕尝试。我经常在开会中向管理员提到一个概念, 我们不怕尝试和失败,因为我们家大业大了。大不了重头来过。

    洛圣都警察局目前并且将会在短期内处于“UNDERSTAFF”的状态,即大部分的职位没有得到人员补充。在此我希望所有的警员站出来,邀请你的同学和朋友加入我们的角色扮演社区并且申请洛圣都警察。我们的调转程序是一个非常友善的流程,并且审批非常的轻松。如果你的朋友没有玩过类似角色扮演,请邀请他入门并且协助他通过招募的所有考核以及申请。如果你不方便或者没有时间这么做,请联系招募官员来协助他完成申请流程。我相信打败一个霸主的永远是降维打击。就像两年前,没有任何一个FiveM的国服能想到一个从GTA 3过来的服务器能打败所有国内的霸主和格局,成为最大的角色扮演社区。而就在今年的九月份,我们不但打破了国服没有破百服务器的历史记录,我们甚至打破了200人的记录。这是有史以来国内角色扮演社区从来没有过的。这不仅让我们的社区变成了国内第一大角色扮演社区,更是让我们的部门成为了国内最好的警察模拟部门,也让你成为了国内最顶尖的警察角色扮演玩家。







    (( Los Santos Police Department 2023 ))
    Office of the Chief of Police

    Los Santos Police Department

    “Protect and Serve”
    *** 上面有中文版本 ***
    • Officers of the Los Santos Police,

      I would like to appreciate, I sincerely hope that you have had fun, made friends and learned new things throughout the past year. As the Chief of Los Santos Police and the Manager of the Community, I would like to spent a few moments to discuss with you on my vision and expectation of the department in this upcoming new year. This was never a easy task for me, as I have to represent the interests of the Los Santos Police Department as your Chief of Police; I have also tasked with ensuring the general well beings of the community as your community Manager. Conflicts are inevitable between the two identities of mine, especially when I am questioned on "whether the LSPD players are considered as players".

      As you may have seen, our Operations Bureau is undergoing significant amount of changes. It is a fact that the Los Santos Police Department does not maintain a good reputation among players. I would argue that it is neither the responsibility of players, or the Police Officers. I would however believe that it is the matter on our approaches to certain situations. The players and the LSPD does not hate each other on their very foundations. Our next move will emphasize on the concept of delivering community policing. Whereas businesses are having a huge play on our community, I hereby request all officers attempt to maintain a good standing and friendly relationship with them. I understand that our Officers are the best roleplayers of this country, I thereof request, and order, that all the Department's players go actively communicate and guide on all other players. It is not because of the fact that we hold more authorities over others, it is the responsibility of helping the in-need. The simple reason is because you have the ability to make that happen. We are also implementing our Watch and Patrol system. Making sure that all players have an immediate supervisor. A patrol supervisor does not only act as a patrol supervisor, it also requires daily administration. I will command the Operations Bureau Commanding Officer to induct a routine procedure on one on one meetings between all immediate supervisors and its employees, on a monthly basis. We have seen too many unnecessary losses due to lack of supervision and both shortage of wellbeing checks for both In-Character and Out-of-Character means. This is the end of it. It must be done. Sergeants and above shall be the true leaders.

      Whereas tremendous changes incoming within the Operations Bureau, our Training Bureau shall be second to none. We have inducted a new Recruitment Section into our Training Bureau, tasked to provide and guide new players with joining our Department. We do not currently have an user-friendly system and forums to most of our Chinese counterparts, and we have seen multiple talented new officers joining our ranks through our transfer programs. I believe in the advertisement and efforts of our Recruitment Section, we shall foresee a reasonable amount of talented officers joining our department, which we have already seen in previous waves. Our transferred officers are currently occupying important positions and are acting as a positive role model for all. Recruitment Section will assist with community policing delivery by stationing and foot-beat patrolling high density areas. I would love to see at least two to three recruitment officers making advertisements there to ensure a positive relationship between our officers and our people for the sake of the safety of our community.

      We will shift our direction with the Police Academy. Most of the officers learn only 10% from the Academy, with another 10% from the PAE and reading materials, remainders obtained during the field training program. If the Police Academy is not replacing the Field Training Program, we shall embrace and improve on the Field Training. With upcoming Academies, I will command our newly appointed Training Bureau Commanding Officer Sprice to alter our training schedule. Having roleplay environment building, Roleplay ability and adapting to LSPD culture as their paramount. We shall deliver a portion of practical police skills but we more shall focus on roleplay experience of both training officers and cadets. We will also work on Office roleplay, making all LSPD commanding officers show up and have chats or building officer environment in the Police Department on a bi-weekly basis.

      We would like to offer more opportunities to all officers. We have heard a term called "faction" in our department with everyone having a close circle of friends with chat groups, even one named after myself. Everyone shall be ensured to have equal opportunity to go to different positions and develop their character in a much different way. This does not mean everyone shall be promoted. We can have officers having their own roleplay. Officer Miller has created a Community Safety Partnership Program which serves as our best example. I want to give all officers an equal chance to dedicate into things they love with the right resource. Failure is not on our radar and potential of failing is not a valid reason of rejecting any ideas or officers.

      We are and we will be understaffed for a period of time. I am hereby inviting every officer to stand up and step out, invite your friends to our community and apply for the department. Our transfer program is a very friendly procedure with easy qualifications. If your friend has never done roleplay before, please invite them and help and assist them with all the possible challenges and application processes. If you are uncomfortable with it, please contact a Recruitment Officer who will also, in my belief, do their best to have your friend into our department. It does not take a wolf to catch a wolf, it takes the shepherd. Nobody in FiveM China believed that a GTA 3 server will beat them this hard and this deadly. In early of this year, we have achieved a 100 players online which none of the Chinese communities have done on FiveM. Whereby this September, we reached 200 players online which has never happened to any preceding roleplay communities throughout China. This makes us the best roleplay community, makes we the best Police Department, and makes YOU the best police roleplayer.

      I thank you for the reading and I wish you all the best in our upcoming 2023.

      Happy New Year,

      Sincerely yours,


      Chief of the Los Santos Police Department
      Manager of the Los Santos Roleplay

警长 迈克尔 奥博
洛圣都警察局 — “保护服务
Skylar Magana
帖子: 2009
注册时间: 2021年8月5日 13:12

Re: (( 洛圣都警察局 2023 ))

帖子 Skylar Magana »

(( 携手并进,砥砺前行! ))
图片 玛莲莉娜·安吉丽斯 #3774
太平洋巡逻分局 — 巡逻监督员
洛圣都警察局 — 保护与服务

Jessica Willford
帖子: 1437
注册时间: 2022年1月17日 02:33

Re: (( 洛圣都警察局 2023 ))

帖子 Jessica Willford »

(( 感谢2022的陪伴,希望2023大家也能一起继续走下去。 ))
Lopez Chen
帖子: 369
注册时间: 2022年7月14日 09:59

Re: (( 洛圣都警察局 2023 ))

帖子 Lopez Chen »

((It's my luck to join this big family in the past year, and it is my honor to stay in our big family in the future.))
帖子: 68
注册时间: 2022年7月2日 01:04

Re: (( 洛圣都警察局 2023 ))

帖子 Clarence_Wilson »

Happy New Year!))
上次由 Clarence_Wilson 在 2022年12月16日 11:34,总共编辑 1 次。
图片 图片
退役二级警员 克拉伦斯·威尔森 #4361
OB:中央交通组 - 交通警员
OOTC:媒体与公共关系分局 - 文案编辑员
洛圣都警察局 - "保护""服务"
Goals determine what you are going to be. ——Julius Erving
Amber Monias
帖子: 601
注册时间: 2022年3月6日 00:54

Re: (( 洛圣都警察局 2023 ))

帖子 Amber Monias »

图片 一级警司 图片 安伯·莫妮亚斯 #4157
中央交通分局 - 巡逻监督员
招募与就业分局 - 就业官
训练分局 - 指导员
洛圣都警察局 - "保护服务"
中央交通分局 - ''心怀敬畏,方能无畏'' 图片 图片图片图片 图片图片图片 图片图片图片 图片图片图片
Do what you say,say what you do.
Kilian Rodd
帖子: 141
注册时间: 2022年8月28日 19:43

Re: (( 洛圣都警察局 2023 ))

帖子 Kilian Rodd »

图片 图片 三级警员 基利安·罗德#4617 东南警探分局 — 反黑警员/实习警探 图片洛圣都警察局 — “保护服务”
图片招募与就业分局 — 就业监督员
训练分局 — 指导员 图片 "𝘿𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙘𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙖𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙡𝙙𝙡𝙮 𝙚𝙮𝙚𝙨 𝙩𝙤 𝙥𝙪𝙧𝙨𝙪𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙤𝙬𝙣 𝙡𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩."
不必在意世俗的眼光 去追寻属于你的光

Charlotte Ragon
帖子: 635
注册时间: 2022年7月18日 09:34

Re: (( 洛圣都警察局 2023 ))

帖子 Charlotte Ragon »

夏洛特·雷根 洛圣都警察局 — “保护服务 图片 图片 图片图片图片 图片图片图片 图片图片图片
"If there is no way,create one!" "如果没有办法,那就创造一个!"
Shawn Riley
帖子: 104
注册时间: 2017年8月13日 20:34

Re: (( 洛圣都警察局 2023 ))

帖子 Shawn Riley »

((2023我维神哥哥回来啦!我的贡献是:GTA3所有RP服务器的警察都喜欢用贝雷塔手枪 8-) 8-) ))

Police Officer II Shawn Riley
洛圣都警察局 — “保护服务
'You will be arrested if you are not a good citizen'